Take a MultiVitamin: Boost Vitality and Longevity

by | Jan 27, 2011

Research now confirms what you already knew-that you can prevent most of today’s chronic degenerative diseases and extend your life by taking a daily multi-vitamin. So, what are you waiting for? Peak Advantage is the only Multi-Vita/Min from which my patients have consistently gotten a boost in energy and sense of well-being.

A recent comprehensive review of vitamin and mineral research by a Harvard Medical School team of physicians, concluded that low vitamin intake has been linked to so many illnesses, that everybody-regardless of age or health status- should start taking a daily multivitamin. The researchers reviewed more than 30 years of English-language articles about vitamins and their relationship to chronic diseases. Their findings were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Lead author of the study, Dr. Robert Fletcher, said, “It’s rare to find a health-promoter that offers such a substantial benefit with a relatively low cost and low risk of problems. And when you have such a thing,” he added, “you ought to jump on it.”

Dr. Fletcher pointed out that most Americans-except those who follow what he described as a “super-perfect” diet-likely do not get enough of certain vitamins in their diets and would benefit from a multivitamin.

A recent survey showed that 70% to 80% of Americans are not eating the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables, or the 6-11 servings of grains per day. That’s where all of the vitamins and minerals are. And even those who do eat perfectly don’t get the essential trace minerals, such as Chromium and Selenium, that they need because these minerals have been depleted from the soil in the bread basket of America due to constant planting.

Many Americans who hear of the benefits of vitamins and minerals will go out and buy various combinations of vitamins and minerals, but most likely aren’t getting the right amounts, the right balance, or the best quality of the 15 essential vitamins and 12 essential minerals that they should be getting every day.

Dr. Hansen’s PEAK ADVANTAGETM High Potency Multi-Vita/Min formula is your best health insurance policy. It contains the right amounts, the right balance and the highest quality of all 27 of the essential Vitamins and Minerals that your body needs.

PEAK ADVANTAGETM provides a full complement of active B Vitamins, like Riboflavin-5-phosphate (active Vitamin B2), Inositol Hexaniacinate (active Vitamin B3 -Niacin- in its safe, nonflush form), Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (active Vitamin B6) and Cholecalciferol (active Vitamin D3). Vitamin C is buffered with Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium mineral ascorbates.

It provides the most active and absorbable Kreb’s Cycle mineral chelates in the appropriate balance, including a 1:1 ratio of Calcium and Magnesium. We do not compromise by including the cheaper and less bulky carbonates and oxides, or poorly absorbed blended protein chelates.

Our easy to swallow capsules are designed and proven in lab tests to dissolve within 30 minutes in normal stomach acid. They contain no Di- or Tri-Calcium Phosphate, used by most manufacturers, that binds the tablets so tightly that they pass through the body virtually undissolved.

PEAK ADVANTAGETM contains higher amounts of premium quality extras than any other Multi-Vitamin/Mineral formula on the market, including the world’s finest Grape Seed Extract, nature’s most potent antioxidant.

DigezymeTM (an advanced plant enzyme complex) is added to ensure optimal digestion and assimilation of your foods and supplements. As with all of our ingredients, this is not merely a token amount, but rather enough to provide for complete digestion of an entire meal.

Additional extras include organic Flax seed powder, Lactobacillus acidophillus, Fructo-oligo-saccharides and BioperineTM, an extract from piper nigrum, which has been shown to increase absorption of nutrients by as much 30 to 60 percent.

Researach Highlights-What You Can Expect!

Vitamin A is essential for proper immune function, including antibody and anti-tumor activity. Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to reduce childhood deaths due to Measles by at least 50% and may help lower the risk of breast cancer and cataracts.

Vitamin B3 reduces bad LDL Cholesterol and raises the good HDL Cholesterol. Vitamins B6, B12 and Folic Acid can cut heart disease risk by 50% by lowering harmful levels of Homocysteine, which is suspected of causing heart disease, strokes, brain shrinkage and possibly Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that boosts immunity and fights cancer. Taking as little as 300-400mg Vitamin C daily cuts the risk of dying from heart disease by 45%, reduces the risk of death by all causes by 42% and extends life expectancy by 6 years. Imagine what taking the 1000mg in Peak Advantage daily could do for you.

Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones AND it has also been found to reduce your risk of getting colon cancer, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant. Taking 400IU daily can reduce your heart attack risk by 75%. Vitamin C and E taken together has been shown to reduce your risk of developing cataracts by 60%.

If you’re like most people, you know you should be taking a multi-vitamin and you want to, but you just haven’t gotten into the routine yet.

Hopefully, the cumulative positive research listed below will convince you to make the committment now so that you can enjoy a lifetime of dynamic health and vitality.


Multivitamins Do Make a Significant Difference

In a 1998, the Annals of Internal Medicine reported that women who used multivitamins containing folic acid for at least 15 years had a 75% lower rate of colon cancer than non-users. The study concluded that using a multivitamin over multiple years could reduce the rate of colon cancer in women 55 to 69 years of age by 78%, from 68 cases per 10,000 to as few as 15 new cases per 10,000.

It will take years or the conventional medical establishment to begin prescribing anticancer diets. For now, the American Cancer Society’s best advice is: Eat a wide variety of foods, including at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and slim down.

Dr. Hansen’s advice: Take a comprehensive multi-vitamin and follow the above diet recommendations. Make sure the daily dose contains 200 mcg of Selenium, 1000 mg vitamin C, 400 IU Vitamin E, 25,000 IU Beta-Carotene, 200 mcg Chromium, 800 mcg of Folate, 100 mcg of Vitamin B12, equal amounts of Calcium and Magnesium, and at least 20 times the RDA of all of the other B-Vitamins.

That’s what I put in my Peak Advantage High-Potentcy Multi-Vita/Min formula. It contains all of the essential vitamins and minerals that sound scientific research has shown to reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis. tI just makes sense to take a supplement! Its the most cost effective insurance you can buy.

Nutrients Key to Preventing Cancer

Dr. John Milner, PhD, of the National Cancer Instituter says, “Up to 35% of cancers are related to dietary habits.” We know enough right now to prevent at least 35% of all cancers and as much as 65% of all chronic diseases with diet and nutritional supplements.

“Cancer doesn’t just arise overnight,” says Milner, chief of NCI’s research into nutrition and cancer prevention. “A few tiny cells gone wrong slowly grow over decades. Whether the result is a life-threatening tumor depends on genes and environment including food.” The government is now recruiting 32,000 middle-aged men to confirm the results of a previous study that showed that taking a Selenium supplement reduces the incidence of prostate cancer.

Trace Mineral – Mega Benefits
In 1997, researcher conducted the first clinical study that definitively linked nutritional supplements to a lower incidence of cancer. In the study of 1312 men, researchers found that supplementing 200 mcg of Selenium daily, about twice the national average, reduced the incidence of prostate cancer by 63% (Biomed Environ Sci 1997 Sep;10(2-3):227-34).

Furthermore, the study showed that selenium supplementation reduced total mortality, mortality from all cancers combined, as well as lung cancer, colorectal cancer and the incidence of all cancers combined. Previous studies have shown that Selenium levels in patients with stomach and colon cancer are lower than age-matched healthy controls (Neoplasma 1997;44(6):395-7).

Study after study is linking lifelong diets high in plant foods to lower cancer rates. It has been observed for a long time that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables are generally skinnier. Obesity, on the other hand, is associated with significant increased risks of cancers of the uterus, gallbladder and possibly colon and prostate, while a large weight gain after reaching adulthood is linked to breast cancer. Scientists now are trying to find out which of the myriad nutrients and chemicals in different foods are most protective and how much one’s genes contribute to eventual diseases.

Vitamin B6 & Folic Acid Cut Heart Disease Risk in Half

A survey published in February, 1998, in the Journal of the American Medical Association of about 80,000 nurses found that those who consumed far more than the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid (Folate) were about half as likely to develop heart disease as those who took less than the recommended daily allowance. Study participants received about 700 micrograms of Folate per day, compared to the RDA of 180 micrograms. They received an average of 4.6 milligrams of Vitamin B6 per day, compared to the RDA of 1.6 milligrams daily.

The American Hearth Association said the findings agree with earlier research linking low Folate to an increased risk of heart disease in men. Dr. Ronald Krauss, chairman of the American Hearth Association’s nutrition panel, said the study should be viewed cautiously.

Note: Compare this 50% reduction in heart disease risk and its total lack of side-effects, with the 50% increase in fatal heart attacks during the first year a woman is on the drug PremPro.

Vitamin E Reduces Heart Attacks

March 23, 1996 Associated Press:

Doctors are astonished by a Bristish study that a dime’s worth of Vitamin E seems to reduce heart attacks by 75% when taken daily by people with bad hearts. “We were surprised by the magnitude of the result, but it does seem to be true,” said Dr. Nigel Brown, of Northwick Park Hospital in London, who published the findings in the British Journal Lancet.

The British team of doctors enrolled 2,002 people with serious heart disease and randomly assigned them to take either 400 or 800 IU of Vitamin E daily, or a placebo. After 17 months, only 14 in the Vitamin E group had suffered a non-fatal heart attack compared to 41 in the placebo group.

STUDY FINDINGS: Alpha-tocopherol treatment significantly reduced the risk of the primary trial endpoint of cardiovascular death and non-fatal MI (41 vs 64 events; relative risk 0.53 [95% Cl 0.34-0.83; p=0.005). The beneficial effects on this composite endpoint were due to a significant reduction in the risk of non-fatal MI (14 vs 41; 0.23 [0.11-0.47]; p=0.005); however, there was a non-significant excess of cardiovascular deaths in the alpha-tocopherol group (27 vs 23; 1.18 [0.62-2.27]; p=0.61). INTERPRETATION: We conclude that in patients with angiographically proven symptomatic coronary atherosclerosis, alpha-tocopherol treatment substantially reduces the rate of non-fatal MI, with beneficial effects apparent after 1 year of treatment.

Source: Lancet. 1996 Mar 23;347(9004):781-6.Randomised controlled trial of vitamin E in patients with coronary disease: Cambridge Heart Antioxidant Study (CHAOS). Department of Medicine, Cambridge University.

Selenium Reduces the Risk of Prostate Cancer by Two-thirds!

Study of prediagnostic selenium level in toenails and the risk of advanced prostate cancer.

Yoshizawa K, et al.
J Natl Cancer Inst.
1998 Aug 19; 90(16): 1219-1224.

A high dietary intake of the mineral Selenium may reduce the risk of prostate cancer by as much as two-thirds, say Harvard researchers. By measuring the amount of selenium found in men Dr. Kazuko Yoshizawa and his colleagues found that those who had prostate cancer had significantly lower levels of the nutrient than those without the disease. The amount of selenium secreted by the body in the toenails is a measure of overall selenium intake in a person’s diet.

Note: Selenium has been depleted from the soil of much of America’s farmland. Therefore, to insure adequate amounts, it is recommended that men take a supplement containing at least 200 mcg of Selenium daily. Selenium is a co-factor to Vitamin E and works synergistically with Vitamin E in its role as an antioxidant.

Prostate Cancer Reduced by Taking Selenium Supplement

Decreased incidence of prostate cancer with selenium supplementation: results of a double-blind cancer prevention trial.

A total of 974 men with a history of either a basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma were randomized to either a daily supplement of 200 microg of selenium or a placebo. Patients were treated for a mean of 4.5 years and followed for a mean of 6.5 years. RESULTS: Selenium treatment was associated with a significant (63%) reduction in the secondary endpoint of prostate cancer incidence during 1983-93. There were 13 prostate cancer cases in the selenium-treated group and 35 cases in the placebo group. Restricting the analysis to the 843 patients with initially normal levels of prostate-specific antigen (or=4 ng/mL), only four cases were diagnosed in the selenium-treated group and 16 cases were diagnosed in the placebo group after a 2 year treatment lag. There were significant health benefits also for the incidence of total, lung and colorectal cancer. There was no significant change in incidence for the primary endpoints of basal and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. In light of these results, the ‘blinded’ phase of this trial was stopped early.

Note: Selenium is one of the most deficient minerals in our modern diet due to over harvesting of America’s farmland and natural loss of selenium through environmental causes. When this report first came out, the public got the message and there was a run on Selenium in health food stores. This is an essential mineral with its own unique immune stimulating, cancer and virus killing functions, as well as antioxidant properties as a co-factor to Vitamin E. I recommend that all adult Americans take a high potency Multi-Vitamin/Mineral supplement every day with 200mcg of Selenium in combination with 400 I.U. of Vitamin E as well as other macro and trace minerals, and vitamins. (See my Comprehensive High Potency Multi-Vitamin/Mineral formula known as Peak Advantage).

Selenium Kills Breast, Prostate and Melanoma Cancer Cells

Inhibitory effect of selenomethionine on the growth of three selected human tumor cell lines.

Redman C, et al.
Cancer Lett 1998 Mar 13;125(1-2):103-110.
Pharmacology/Toxicology Department,
The University of Arizona, Tucson 85724, USA.

Selenium supplementation has been shown for many years to work as an anticarcinogenic agent both in epidemiology and in in vitro studies. Selenium supplementation has recently been shown to decrease total cancer incidence. Selenomethionine was tested against each of three human tumor cell lines (MCF-7/S breast carcinoma, DU-145 prostate cancer cells and UACC-375 melanoma) and against normal human diploid fibroblasts. All cell lines demonstrated a dose-dependent manner of growth inhibition by selenomethionine. Selenomethionine inhibited the growth of all of the human tumor cell lines in the micromolar (microM) range (ranging from 45 to 130 microM) while growth inhibition of normal human fibroblasts were unharmed until the dose was 1000-fold higher (1 mM selenomethionine). Furthermore, the research showed that selenomethionine administration killed only the cancer cells and did not harm healthy cells.

Cataracts Prevented by Multi-Vitamin
Want to preserve your precious eyesight? Don’t miss out on your multi. A new study reveals that the daily ritual of taking a multivitamin may protect against cataracts. Researchers found that people who took a daily multivitamin or a supplement that contained vitamin C or E for more than 10 years had a 60% lower risk of developing most kinds of cataracts.

Compared with nonusers, the 5-year risk for any cataract was 60% lower among persons who, at follow-up, reported the use of multivitamins or any supplement containing vitamin C or E for more than 10 years. Use of supplements for shorter periods was not associated with reduced risk for cataract. Measured differences in lifestyle between supplement users and nonusers did not influence these associations, nor did variations in diet as measured in a random sub sample.

SOURCE: Arch Ophthalmol 2000 Nov;118(11):1556-63. Vitamin supplement use and incident cataracts in a population-based study. Mares-Perlman JA, et. al.

Vitamins Lower Blood Pressure

Combination oral antioxidant supplementation reduces blood pressure.

Galley H, et al.
Clin Sci 1997; 92;361-365.

Twenty-one patients with hypertension were treated with a combination of antioxidant nutrients for eight weeks and a placebo for an additional eight weeks (in random order). The daily supplement consisted of vitamin (C 500 mg), vitamin E (600mg), beta-carotene (30 mg) and zinc (45 mg). Systolic blood pressure (the top number) was significantly lower after this antioxidant treatment than after placebo (average reduction of 9mm Hg). The diastolic pressure (bottom number) was also lower after antioxidant treatment (average reduction of 3.8mm Hg was not statistically significant). Treatment duration was only 8 weeks.

Vitamins Reduce Inherited High Cholesterol Effects

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Children and young adults who have inherited high cholesterol may reduce their risk of clogged arteries by taking vitamins C and E, researchers reported on Monday.

The vitamins improve blood flow through the arteries and may prevent the damage that leads to atherosclerosis, commonly known as hardening of the arteries, the researchers said.

Writing in the journal Circulation, Marguerite Engler of the University of California San Francisco and colleagues said the study is the first to show that vitamins can reverse the damage as well.

“When we gave these children moderate doses of vitamins C and E for six weeks, we saw a significant improvement in blood-vessel function, which is an important indicator of cardiovascular health,” Engler said in a statement.

An estimated 50 million U.S. children have high levels of cholesterol, and thus a high risk of heart disease and heart attack. The American Heart Association defines this as cholesterol of 200 or higher and low-density lipoprotein–LDL or “bad” cholesterol–of 130 or higher.

Drugs including statins work very well to lower cholesterol levels in adults but they can have severe side effects and are not usually recommended for children.

“The findings of this study suggest hope for children with abnormally high cholesterol levels that their condition can be improved through vitamin supplements,” said Patricia Grady, director of the National Institute of Nursing Research, which helped fund the study.

Diets rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat, especially animal fat, have also been shown to lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease–but most Americans do not eat this kind of diet.

“Our dilemma was that these kids are supposed to be getting…many servings of fruits and vegetables a day but they aren’t doing it,” Engler said in a telephone interview.
“We thought, ‘let’s still keep up the diet counseling but also let’s try the vitamin supplements’.”

Engler’s team studied 15 children and young adults age 9 to 20, who had average total cholesterol levels of 242 and LDL levels of 187.

Half the children got daily does of 500 milligrams of vitamin C and 400 international units of vitamin E for six weeks. The other half got placebos. Then the groups were switched.
Better diet alone reduced LDL by about 8 percent, but the vitamins, as expected, did not affect cholesterol levels.

The researchers measured how well the arteries were working by examining flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery. They were looking for signs of endothelial dysfunction, which can cause blood vessels to stiffen, meaning they do not stretch to accommodate increased blood flow. It is one of the earliest signs of atherosclerosis.
The endothelium is the inner lining of the blood vessels. It releases nitric oxide, which causes the blood vessels to open. The vitamins may restore this process in damaged arteries by reacting with charged particles known as free radicals that damage cells.
Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery was around 6 at the start and for those patients given placebo or diet alone, but it was 9.5 after the children got the vitamins.

“Normal FMD of the brachial artery in children is reportedly between 8 percent and 12 percent,” the researchers wrote.

SOURCE: Circulation. 2003 Aug 11

Vitamin C and Flavonoids Work Together to Prevent DNA Damage!

Effects of flavonoids and Vitamin C on oxidative DNA damage to human lymphocytes.

Noroozi M, et al.
Am J Clin Nutr. 1998;67:1210-1218.

Vitamin C in combination with flavonoids protects against damage to DNA or chromosomes. Supplementing a well-balanced diet with these complementary families of antioxidants appears to give enhanced benefits, rather than supplementing with a single nutrient alone.

Note: In nature, Vitamin C is never alone. It is always with bioflavonoids. Flavanols from certain fruit skins and seeds, such as grapes, blue berries, plums, cherries, cranberries, etc., known as Proanthocyanidin are known as Vitamin P, the true Vitamin C Co-Factor. Together, these two nutrients work synergistically to cover for and regenerate each other.

FALSE ALARM: British Study Claims 500mg of Vitamin C daily may Cause Cancer?

Vitamin C exhibits pro-oxidant properties.

Podmore ID, et al.
Nature. 1998;392:559.

British researchers indicated that 500mg of Vitamin C given daily, could cause mutations in DNA of chromosomes that could lead to cancer or rheumatoid arthritis. When white blood cell lymphocytes of these human volunteers were tested and their DNA analyzed, one of the DNA nucleoside bases (adenine) was found to have been oxidized, however, another nucleoside base (guanine) received antioxidant protection.

Note: Other experts who have worked with adenine analysis suspect that it was rather damaged by the analytical procedure not by vitamin C. Nevertheless, the truth is, scientists have known for a long time that Vitamin C is both an antioxidant and a pro-oxidant. Nature designed it that way. It protects healthy cells against free radicals by giving them an electron to make them stable. When vitamin C gives up an electron it become a pro-oxidant. In this state it can kill viruses and cancer cells by its unstable spinning pro-oxidant activities. In the body, the pro-oxidant effect of Vitamin C on healthy tissue is prevented by its companion bioflavanoids. The British researchers did not add bioflavanoids to the test tube in their study. Therefore their results do not compare to what happens inside the body, unless the individual is deficient of bioflavanoids.

Take home message: Dr. Hansen says, “Make sure you are taking proanthocyanidin bioflavanoids with your Vitamin C. Together they are a dynamic duo for health and prevention.


Multi-Vitamins Boost Stores of Key Nutrients

Poor diet and illnesses can leave many older adults with less-than-optimal stores of nutrients in their blood. But new study findings suggest that simply taking a multivitamin each day can improve levels of many key nutrients, thereby lowering their risk of chronic disease.

Adults who took a multivitamin had higher levels of vitamins B6, B12, C, D, E and riboflavin. Dr. Jeffrey B. Blumberg, one of the study authors with the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts, said that “these results suggest that the 40% to 60% of older Americans who do take multivitamins are probably helping to promote their health, not wasting money as some people have proposed.”

SOURCE: Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2000;19:613-621.

Homocysteine Linked to Brain Shrinkage

High levels of the amino acid homocysteine may increase the risk of brain atrophy and blood vessel disease, researchers report. It is still too soon to be certain that lowering homocysteine levels will reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, but the approach is worth investigating, the researchers say. Prior research has shown that elevated levels of homocysteine may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Diet has a major effect on homocysteine levels. Getting adequate amounts of Vitamin B6, B12 and Folic acid may lower homocysteine levels by breaking down the amino acid.

High levels of the amino acid homocysteine may increase the risk of brain atrophy and blood vessel disease, researchers report. It is still too soon to be certain that lowering homocysteine levels will reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, but the approach is worth investigating, the researchers say. Prior research has shown that elevated levels of homocysteine may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Diet has a major effect on homocysteine levels. Getting adequate amounts of Vitamin B6, B12 and Folic acid may lower homocysteine levels by breaking down the amino acid.

Instead, Miller’s team found that people with vascular disease, including those who had had a heart attack or stroke or who had evidence of vessel disease on a brain scan, had higher levels of homocysteine in the blood, regardless of whether they had Alzheimer’s. “This is consistent with many studies that have found high blood levels of homocysteine to be a risk factor for vascular disease,” Miller said.

The researchers also found that people with Alzheimer’s were more likely to have low levels of vitamin B6. This vitamin may be important for memory, Miller explained. According to the report, the study raises the possibility that vitamin B6 supplements would help Alzheimer’s patients, but Miller noted that the effects of the vitamin have not yet been established.

A second study published in the same journal included 36 healthy elderly people who underwent homocysteine testing and brain scans to detect brain atrophy. Participants with more extensive brain atrophy were more likely to have higher blood levels of homocysteine, according to a team led by Dr. Perminder Sachdev of the University of New South Wales in Australia.

The presence of vascular disease did not explain the connection, according to Dr. Sachdev. Still, the Australian scientist said that more research is needed to prove that high homocysteine levels lead to brain atrophy. He pointed out that homocysteine levels did not predict how well participants performed on tests of mental ability.

“If there was indeed increased brain atrophy, it was not severe enough in this otherwise healthy group to significantly impact on functioning,” he said.

Although Sachdev noted that more research is needed, he said that the current scientific evidence is “persuasive enough for a public awareness campaign about homocysteine levels, especially in those at risk for coronary artery disease, stroke and dementia.”

He noted that folic acid supplements can return homocysteine levels to normal. The studies “provide important leads but no proof” that high homocysteine levels lead to mental decline, according to an accompanying editorial by Dr. James F. Toole of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and Dr. Clifford R. Jack of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Still, the research is “exciting,” Toole said in a news release, since it is possible to lower homocysteine levels with vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid. Toole is currently investigating whether these supplements can reduce the risk of stroke. Another important area of research, according to Toole, is to see whether lowering homocysteine with vitamins will prevent Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

SOURCE: Neurology 2002;58:1449-1450, 1471-1475, 1539-1541.

Dr. Hansen says that his patients are way ahead of the science because they already take his High Potency Multi-Vitamin Peak Advantage, which contains all of the essential nutrients needed to prevent the excessive formation of homocysteine.


Peak Advantage Summary

Dr. Hansen’s Multi-Vitamin Rx: Peak Advantage – High Potency Multi Vitamin Mineral Formulation. “It’s the best preventive health insurance you can buy and many of my patients tell me that it’s the only multi-vitamin they have ever taken that makes them feel better and gives them more energy. Try if for yourself and feel the difference.”

  • Comprehensive High-Potency Formula
  • Full Spectrum Ingredients
  • Quantities shown to Reduce Chronic Disease Risk
  • Easy to Digest Capsules
  • Highest Absorption Mineral Chelates
  • Contain NO binders, fillers, dyes, or toxic minerals
  • Plant-based Digestive Enzymes
  • Contains Significant quantities of GSE, Flaxseed Oil, and Acidophilus


PEAK ADVANTAGE is the finest multi-vitamin/mineral formula on the market. It contains only the finest, natural source vitamins, including full spectrum mixed Carotenes from Dunaliella (standardized for Beta-Carotene), Natural Vegetarian water soluble Vitamin A Palmitate and Natural Vitamin E with mixed Tocopherols.

PEAK ADVANTAGE provides a full complement of active B Vitamins, like Riboflavin-5-phosphate (active Vitamin B2), Inositol Hexaniacinate (active Vitamin B3 -Niacin- in its safe, nonflush form), Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (active Vitamin B6) and Cholecalciferol (active Vitamin D3). Vitamin C is buffered with Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium mineral ascorbates.

It provides the most active and absorbable Kreb’s Cycle mineral chelates in the appropriate balance, including a 1:1 ratio of Calcium and Magnesium. We do not compromise by including the cheaper and less bulky carbonates and oxides, or poorly absorbed blended protein chelates.

Our easy to swallow capsules are designed and proven in lab tests to dissolve within 30 minutes in normal stomach acid. They contain no Di- or Tri-Calcium Phosphate, used by most manufacturers, that binds the tablets so tightly that they pass through the body virtually undissolved.

PEAK ADVANTAGE contains higher amounts of premium quality extras than any other Multi-Vitamin/Mineral formula on the market, including the world’s finest Grape Seed Extract, nature’s most potent antioxidant.

Digezyme (an advanced plant enzyme complex) is added to ensure optimal digestion and assimilation of your foods and supplements. As with all of our ingredients, this is not merely a token amount, but rather enough to provide for complete digestion of your entire meal, including your supplement.

In a base of organic flax seed powder, pectin, and fructo-oligo-saccharides. Contains no sugar, yeast, wheat, soy, dairy, or chemical additives. *98% OPC, Catechin & Epicatechin (water-soluble extract).

Additional extras include organic Flax seed oil powder, Lactobacillus acidophillus, Fructo-oligo-saccharides and BioperineT, an extract from piper nigrum, which has been shown to increase absorption of nutrients by as much 30 to 60 percent. PEAK ADVANTAGET is made WITHOUT Iron because recent research has shown that too much iron is associated with increased risk of heart disease and cancer. Children and menstruating women may need supplemental iron, if so indicated by specific lab tests.

Please note RDA info listed below is for a full day’s servings (2 capsules 3 times per day) of 6 capsules. The label on the bottle has the RDA info per serving of 2 capsules. We are sorry if this is confusing, but we wanted consumers to know the RDA for a full day’s serving of this wonderful multi-vitamin, multi-mineral supplement.

PEAK ADVANTAGE 6 Capsules Contain
Serving size is 2 capsules 3 times per day.

% DV

Vitamin A Retinol Palmitate (vegetarian/water-soluble)

2,500 I.U.


Beta-Carotene Dunaliella (natural mixed carotene source)

25,000 I.U.


Vitamin B1: Thiamin mononitrate

50 mg


Vitamin B2: Riboflavin (Riboflavin-5-phosphate)

20 mg


Niacin: Inositol Hexaniacinate

150 mg


Pthothenic Acid:Calcium d-Pantothenate

150 mg


Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Pyridoxal-5-Phoshate

50 mg



300 mcg


Folic acid

800 mcg


Vitamin B12: Cyanocobalamin

100 mcg


Vitamin C:Ascorbic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium Ascorbate

1000 mg


Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol

200 I.U.


Vitamin E d-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate with mixed Tocopherols

400 I.U.


Vitamin K Phytonadione

501 mcg


Calcium from Citrate-Ascorbate

400 mg


Magnesium Aspartate

400 mg


Potassium Aspartate

201 mg


Copper as Amino Acid Chelate

2.25 mg


Zinc Monomethionine

15 mg


Manganese Aspartate

15 mg


Chromium Polynicotinate

200 mcg


Selenium as L-Selenomethionine

201 mg


Boron as Boron Aspartate

3 mg


Molybdenum as Molybdenum Aspartate

150 mcg


Vanadium as Vanadium Complex (BMOV)

25 mcg


Silicea as Equisetum arvense

50 mg


Choline as Choline Bitartrate

100 mg



100 mg


Grape Seed Extract Vitis vinifera (Grape Seed) Extract*

25 mg


DigeZymeTM (Plant Enzyme Complex)

150 mg


Flax Essentials Organic Flax Seed Oil

200 mg


Bioperine (Black pepper extract 95-97%Pipernine)

15 mg


L. Acidophillus Non-Dairy Source

2 Billion


Customer Testimonials:



I have suffered for years from Bulimia and, although I now have the disease under control, I have not been able to get my hair to grow past my ears without breaking off. One of my coworkers suggested I try Peak Advantage. Within the first month, my hair began to look shiny and the breakage stopped. I also noticed that I had to cut my fingernails more often. Now just a few months later, my hair is almost to my shoulders and it looks and feels WONDERFUL.


I was exhausted all of the time. I would barely make it through my workweek just to sleep all weekend. I started taking Peak Advantage and immediately noticed more energy and mental alertness. It seems like the longer I take it the better I feel and I feel Excellent!


As a scientist working in the field of immunology, I have long been impressed by the research showing that various natural health care preparations can have a positive impact on the health challenges of the patient public. I, myself take a number of supplements, both nutrient and herbal.

It was my understanding that a good multi- vitamin/mineral supplement must stand as a support behind effective supplemental requirements or programs. If you don’t have proper nutrient support, (and I am convinced that we can’t get it from the average diet) then much of what you are taking will not be optimally effective.

I have researched multi-vitamin/mineral brands for over 30 years and have never found anything that can compare to Peak Advantage in terms of necessary ingredients, proper dosage and absorbability. In my estimation, it is simply the finest product of its kind on the entire market and I wouldn’t be without it. I can also personally say that I feel much better when I am taking Peak Advantage.

Once in a while I run out and take some other brand until I can reorder. I definitely notice a difference in terms of energy, clarity of thought and overall well being. I would recommend that everyone give Peak Advantage a try over what they are now taking and see if there is a difference. There is no question in my mind that this product has everything a body needs, nothing that it doesn’t need and all the finest ingredients in just the right amounts.

You can be sure it is supporting you and helping any other supplement you may be taking to work it’s best! A product like Peak Advantage should contribute in most adults to a very vital and productive old age, free of a lot of health problems that most people experience.

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