Good News for your Bioidentical Hormones

by | Dec 4, 2014

On October 20th, 2014, I told you about new legislation that has placed onerous new restrictions on Compounding Pharmacies.

  1. Compounding Pharmacies can no longer sell Bio-Identical Hormones in bulk to doctors office’s.
  2. Each formulation must be prescribed individually for a specific patient
  3. Each compounded medication must be made individually by hand for each patient
  4. Supplies of Compounded Medications are limited by the FDA to 5% of their total prescriptions out of state
  5. Massive increases in time and paperwork must be employed to prepare and track each new prescription
  6. Additional administrative and legal fees will be required to meet these oppressively burdensome new regulations

The bottom line is that “Big Pharma” is taking advantage of an isolated tragedy to squeeze “little compounding pharmacies” and the doctors that use their products out of business. As a Naturopathic Physician and a Diplomat of the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, I am one of the few Physicians who who is medically trained in and prefers to prescribe Natural Medicines and Bioidentical Hormones rather than synthetic, patented drugs. Why, because they work and they are better for my patients. When Congress and Big Phama say they know better, what they are really saying is, they want more money. We are fighting to retain your freedom of choice in health care and your right to choose Natural Medicines and Bioideintical Hormones.

Good News!

We have good news! Unfortunately, we will no longer be able to order Bioidentical Hormones in bulk to have on hand at out office and dispense in unlimited variations as we were able to do before the change in the law. However, we have been able to formulate 12 Hansen Clinic exclusive Bioidentical Hormone combinations, which will allow 95% of all our patients to consolidate their dosing from 3 Capsules per night to 1 Capsule. Hooray for fewer pills! I expect that this change will provide the same positive benefits and make taking your hormones faster and easier.

Call to Action

We will need to ask you for your kind cooperation as we make this transition. We would ask that you please call at least two weeks ahead of time to order your next prescription. Please bare with us as we will only be able to give you a 30 day supply for the first new order. Subsequent orders will be for 60 days when refilled. Please make your scheduled appointments for your Hormone Testing 3-4 weeks before you run out of hormones, so that we can make any necessary changes to your prescription before ordering your new combination.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation as well as your letters written to your Congressman in support of your right to choose Natural Alternatives and Bioidentical Hormones. We will continue to fight the good fight for your freedom to choose Natural Alternatives and Preventive Medicines.
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